Still Posting Wood Sculpture After All These Years

It’s not easy to be me. At any point in my life, I can honestly say I’d rather be creating my wood sculpture (Time spent with family and friends excluded). At least where work is concerned the work of creating something is like no other form of satisfaction. Still, my satisfaction depends on the rewards that come from selling it. Not so much the monetary rewards as the satisfaction that comes from the fact that people think enough of my art to buy it. To think that they take it home and give it a coveted spot in their home and display it for their enjoyment is for me a pleasure like no other. But to get it to people is a process, and that process is the most difficult to accomplish because it involves “exposure”. And that brings me to the crux of this post, and the fact I have spent the past three months getting my Website back online. A lot has changed since I built my first site back in 1994. Like EVERYTHING!! And because of a life transition, I have neglected it for almost ten years. Now there are many new ways to create sophisticated designs for more exciting ways to display graphics and therefore artwork, but they are far more difficult to construct and time-intensive to learn – and I’m not there yet. But at this point, as I come down to the spit and polish of the final stage of getting my site up to speed I have decided to go ahead and launch. I have come to the realization it will never be completely finished. It will no doubt be forever a work in progress so please bear with me through the times ahead. I am after all a “one-man-show”. And at any point, I’d rather be creating wood sculpture.
My husband and I loved to watch you when you came to the Cajun Heartland State Fair!